
Volatility – What to Expect and How to Act

I recently gave an annual presentation to the 401(k) participants I advise. I always try to explain risk tolerance and investing to my audience in an easily understandable way. For most of the participants, investing in their 401(k) has been their only experience investing, so their knowled …

To Rollover or Not Rollover, That is The Question

There are many decisions that need to be made when changing employers or retiring. One of the key decisions that you may need to make is whether or not to rollover your retirement plan, 401(k), from the previous employer. As mentioned in Top Five Things to Review Before Changing Jobs, you h …

Are You 10 Years From Retiring?: 5 Easy Steps for Retirement Preparation

Ladies … listen up!… there’s still time … Ladies, if you’re nearing the retirement chapter of your life, listen up! Have you thought about what that time looks like? If you could paint a picture of this part of life, what would be included? Does your picture contain lots of color or is it grey?

How to Decide the Best Place to Live When You Retire

One of the questions I get asked often is “Where should I live in retirement?” Sometimes the person is asking about a list of cities, sometimes they’re asking about what type of residence – home, apartment, condo, retirement community, etc. – and sometimes it’s even other countries.

Two Major Retirement Income Traps to Avoid

The switch from wealth building in your working years to wealth income in retirement years seems simple. Common advice is to simply shift investments from growth stocks to dividend-paying stocks and buy more bonds. At first glance, this seems simple, but many retirees are discovering hidden …

Top Five Things to Review Before Changing Jobs

The days of working for a company for 40 plus years, being handed a gold watch for your tenure, and collecting a pension for the remainder of your life is long gone. It is more likely that today’s workers will hold ten to fifteen jobs, spending less than five years at each employer accordin …

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